The hit BBC series Sherlock has introduced a new generation of fans to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary detective. The debut episode took as its inspiration Conan Doyle's first Holmes novel, and this new edition of A Study in Scarlet, with an introduction by Sherlock co-creator Steven Moffat, allows fans to discover how it all started.
A Study in Scarlet is a potent mix of murder, suspense, cryptic clues, red herrings and revenge. It introduces us to the world-famous characters of Sherlock Holmes, Dr Whatson and Inspector Lestrade as they join forces for the first time to track a mysterious killer that stalks London's streets.
With an introduction by
Steven Moffat
(Paperback) excellent condition
A Study in Scarlet by "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"
SKU: 1116